Icelandic Food and Fun Festival
The annual Icelandic Food & Fun Festival in Reykjavik, is designed to showcase two of the islands best-known ingredients: lamb and fish. Gastronomic discovery and winter sports enticed internationally acclaimed chefs and food lovers to come to Iceland in the middle of winter.
French goose and duck fat: A Golden Treasure
Duck fat is wonderfully golden and has a fatty acid profile similar to goose fat. Duck fat for sale.
Not All Apples are Created Equal
Article about antique apples
In the Footsteps of Joan of Arc
Retracing the path of one of France's greatest heroines from her birthplace in Lorraine to her death in Normandy.
My Favorite Foods for the Fourth
Celebrate American independence with American species.
Maple Sugar: America’s First Sweetener
Maple sugar is an indigenous nutrient-rich sugar that the native Indians found more transportable than maple syrup.